Monday, October 4, 2010

Howdy World!

Hey all-

Those that know me know that I’m the most opinionated loudmouthed schnook in the field.  Now I have my own blog space and guess what?  I can’t think of anything to say.  It’s like when the camera’s rolling, the mic gets shoved into your face and you can’t even remember your name, let alone what it was you wanted to say. Don’t you just hate that??

I promise not to rant like that again and to keep my news pertaining to animation, er, and to those weird little asides that COULD be appreciated by animators and animation students.
First, I must say, I’m not an expert, I’m an enthusiast.  I teach animation at Emily Carr Uiversity of Art + Design in Vancouver.  I really enjoy animation, and I enjoy sharing what I know about it.
Lots more coming… next time.   Batter Up!